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Leibish & Co. Adds New Pink Diamond to Its Argyle Offerings

Apr 8, 2013 5:16 PM   By Leibish & Co.
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Press Release: Leibish & Co. has a new favorite: an exceptional 1.45-carat, fancy intense-pink, princess-cut diamond, the latest addition to its 105-strong Argyle diamond collection.

The diamond was originally purchased as a 1.52-carat fancy pink diamond. Shmulik Polnauer, GG, the company's chief diamond buyer, took his time examining the stone as it was set in a platinum ring and couldn't be removed. However, after his examination he made the decision that with this stone he would achieve great things. He recognized more potential in the diamond and felt he would be able to substantially improve the quality of the stone.

After sending it back to the polishing wheel, he managed with only losing seven points to dramatically improve the color saturation and diamond clarity. The color was hidden in the material of this old Argyle stone. ''Once I identified the potential this stone had, it seemed clear as day that I would be able to upgrade the color intensity and improve the diamond clarity by repolishing the diamond,'' said Polnauer.

Argyle diamonds are scarce in today's market and the ones that exist are considered extremely valuable, especially with the mine's production soon coming to an end. All Argyle diamonds of such a significant color with a high-clarity grade above 1 carat stand out as collector's items. Leibish & Co. is now offering this magnificent diamond at approximately $300,000 per carat.  View the collection.

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Tags: Argyle, Leibish & Co., Pink diamonds
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